MLOps, AutoML and web development
Contract type: Freelancer Client: Manufacturer of geoinformation software Task: Evaluation and testing of AutoML and MLOps methods with Python, development of a web survey with the Python library Flask, including database transfer Time period: 07/2023 to 01/2024 Technologies: Python, JavaScript, HTML, Pandas, Geopandas, Numpy, Sklearn, MLflow, Autokeras, PyCaret, Tensorflow, Flask, Bootstrap, Hugging Face, SQLAlchemy, Jupyter […]
Data Wrangling and ML App Development
Contract type: Freelancer Client: Max-Planck-Institute and Helmholtz-Institute Task: Web Scraping and Data Wrangling of spatial datasets with Python, development of an (end-to-end) ML app and dashboards for training/validation of datasets with Python Time period: 10/2022 to 12/2022 Technologies: Python, Requests, Pandas, Geopandas, Numpy, Sklearn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Streamlit, Plotly, Ray, Jupyter Lab, VS Code, Insomnia, Gitlab, […]
Database analytics, mapping and visualization
Contract type: Freelancer Client: Distribution system operator / Energy provider Task: Implementation of ETL processes to transform PostgreSQL/PostGIS data into an ArangoDB, creation of tools (e.g. visualisation, validation and anonymisation) and dashboards with Python. Time period: 07/2021 to 06/2022 Technologies: Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Networkx, Plotly, Bokeh, SQL, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Jupyter Lab, VS Code, DBeaver, […]
Data analysis and visualization of “WeRateDogs” Twitter data, Udacity Nanodegree project
Contract type: Training project, Data Analyst Nanodegree, Udacity Client: Gerrit Tombrink Task: Data analysis of Twitter data “WeRateDogs” Time period: 2018 Technologies: Python, Pandas, Numpy, BeautifulSoup, Tweepy, Json, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Jupyter Notebook The project consisted of downloading, analyzing and visualizing “WeRateDogs” Twitter data using Python. The data could be accessed through URL and a Twitter […]